Chapter 11 Put it together: explore big data with data.table

The general form of data.table syntax is

DT[i, j, by]


  • DT is a data.table.
  • by: grouped by what?
  • j: what to do?
  • i: on which rows?

In general, we can tack expressions one after another, forming a chain of operations, i.e., DT[ … ][ … ][ … ].

The learning objectives is to

  • Practice the data.table syntax to explore datasets on COVID-19:
  • Two datasets will be used:
    • COVID-19 new/cumulative cases on county level
    • population of US counties in 2019
## Warning: package 'curl' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Using libcurl 7.64.1 with Schannel
## Warning: package 'lubridate' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
##     hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week,
##     yday, year
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     date, intersect, setdiff, union
## Warning: package 'magrittr' was built under R version 4.0.5

11.1 Import the COVID-19 case data

The New York Times is releasing a series of data files with cumulative counts of coronavirus cases in the United States, at the state and county level, over time. We are compiling this time series data from state and local governments and health departments in an attempt to provide a complete record of the ongoing outbreak. The data is published on Github. We can download the csv data directly using fread().

# the data record the total confirmed cases and deaths for each county at each date. 

##          date    county      state  fips cases deaths
## 1: 2020-01-21 Snohomish Washington 53061     1      0
## 2: 2020-01-22 Snohomish Washington 53061     1      0
## 3: 2020-01-23 Snohomish Washington 53061     1      0
## 4: 2020-01-24      Cook   Illinois 17031     1      0
## 5: 2020-01-24 Snohomish Washington 53061     1      0
## 6: 2020-01-25    Orange California  6059     1      0
## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   1693157 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ date  : IDate, format: "2020-01-21" "2020-01-22" ...
##  $ county: chr  "Snohomish" "Snohomish" "Snohomish" "Cook" ...
##  $ state : chr  "Washington" "Washington" "Washington" "Illinois" ...
##  $ fips  : int  53061 53061 53061 17031 53061 6059 17031 53061 4013 6037 ...
##  $ cases : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ deaths: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
# add a column to define abbr for each state

# Set order of column
setcolorder(covid_county, c("date", "state", "state_abbr","county","fips","cases","deaths"))

# change state name to lower case for consistency

# illustrate the total cases and total death
covid_county[county=="Lancaster" & state_abbr=="NE", 
             .(date,cases)] %>% ggplot()+

covid_county[county=="Lancaster" & state_abbr=="NE", 
             .(date,deaths)] %>% ggplot()+

# compute the daily new cases and new deaths
covid_county[ , confirmed_count := cases - shift(cases), by = .(state,county)] 
covid_county[ , death_count := deaths - shift(deaths), by = .(state,county)] 

# save the data to local computer

11.2 Selecting Rows and Columns

  • Q1: What is the new confirmed cases in the Lancaster county, NE, on 2020-07-16?
covid_county[county=="Lancaster" & state_abbr=="NE" & 
##    confirmed_count
## 1:              50

11.3 Selecting Rows and Columns

  • Q2: What is the new confirmed cases and death in the Lancaster county, NE, on 2020-07-16?
covid_county[county=="Lancaster" & state_abbr=="NE" & 
             .(confirmed_count, death_count)]
##    confirmed_count death_count
## 1:              50           0

11.4 Computing on j

  • Q3: What is the new confirmed cases in US on 2020-07-16?
##    confirmed_count
## 1:           75701

11.5 Computing on j

  • Q4: What is the new confirmed cases for each state on 2020-07-16? Order the result in the descending order of cases count.
##    state_abbr confirmed_count
## 1:         TX           15038
## 2:         FL           13965
## 3:         CA            9264
## 4:         AZ            3319
## 5:         GA            2701
## 6:         TN            2312

11.6 Computing on j

  • Q5: What is the new confirmed cases and death for each state, on 2020-07-16? Order the result in the descending order of cases count.
##    state_abbr confirmed_count death_count
## 1:         TX           15038         154
## 2:         FL           13965         156
## 3:         CA            9264         122
## 4:         AZ            3319          64
## 5:         GA            2701          13
## 6:         TN            2312          14

11.7 Computing on j

  • Q6: What is the new confirmed cases each day for the state of Nebraska?
##    state_abbr       date confirmed_count
## 1:         NE 2020-03-18               7
## 2:         NE 2020-03-19               4
## 3:         NE 2020-03-20               6
## 4:         NE 2020-03-21               8
## 5:         NE 2020-03-22               1
## 6:         NE 2020-03-23              11

11.8 Special symbol .N

  • Q7: How many counties has new confirmed cases that is above 5000?
covid_county[confirmed_count>5000, .N]
## [1] 270
  • Q8: What are these counties which has new confirmed cases that is above 5000 in a single day?
                 .(state,county, date, confirmed_count)] %>% head()
##      state   county       date confirmed_count
## 1: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-01            8330
## 2: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-08            9701
## 3: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-14            6975
## 4: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-22            6088
## 5: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-28            6878
## 6: arizona Maricopa 2020-12-31            5181

11.9 Fitering rows through %between%

  • Q9: How many county has daily new confirmed case between 1000 and 5000 for each day?
                 .(count=.N), by=.(date)]
##          date count
## 1: 2021-06-03     1
## 2: 2020-10-03     3
## 3: 2020-08-30     1
## 4: 2020-09-14     1
## 5: 2020-09-15     1
## 6: 2020-09-29     1

11.10 Fitering rows through %chin%

  • Q10: How many new confirmed cases in each day for the top10 states together?
# find the top10 states in terms of total cases
covid_county[date=="2021-08-27",.(cases=sum(cases)), by=c("state","state_abbr")][order(-cases)][1:10]
##              state state_abbr   cases
##  1:     california         CA 4396238
##  2:          texas         TX 3548371
##  3:        florida         FL 3179714
##  4:       new york         NY 2258143
##  5:       illinois         IL 1512387
##  6:        georgia         GA 1339537
##  7:   pennsylvania         PA 1288041
##  8:           ohio         OH 1202728
##  9: north carolina         NC 1191456
## 10:     new jersey         NJ 1084546
top10_states=covid_county[date=="2021-08-27",.(cases=sum(cases)), by=c("state","state_abbr")][order(-cases)][1:10]$state_abbr

top10_states=c("NY", "CA", "FL", "TX", "NJ", "IL", "MA",
               "AZ", "GA", "PA")  

# find how many confirmed cases each date for the top 10 state
##          date confirmed
## 1: 2020-03-10       572
## 2: 2020-03-11       677
## 3: 2020-03-12       896
## 4: 2020-03-13      1179
## 5: 2020-01-25         2
## 6: 2020-01-24         1

11.11 uniqueN()

  • Q11: How many counties has COVID-19 cases for each state?
##    state_abbr county_cnt
## 1:         AL         67
## 2:         AK         28
## 3:         AZ         16
## 4:         AR         76
## 5:         CA         59
## 6:         CO         65

11.12 Subset of Data: .SD[ ]

  • Q12: for each day, find the top 3 counties in terms of the new confirmed cases.
  , .SD[1:3], by=.(date), 
##          date state_abbr        county confirmed_count
## 1: 2021-09-05         NY New York City            3632
## 2: 2021-09-05         AZ      Maricopa            2352
## 3: 2021-09-05         CA   Los Angeles            2111
## 4: 2021-09-06         SC    Greenville            1780
## 5: 2021-09-06         AZ      Maricopa            1636
## 6: 2021-09-06         CA   Los Angeles            1530

11.13 Subset of Data: .SD[ ]

  • Q13: find the top 3 counties for each state in terms of the total confirmed cases.
     order(state_abbr,-confirmed)][, .SD[1:3], 
##    state_abbr                       county confirmed
## 1:         AK                    Anchorage     38593
## 2:         AK    Matanuska-Susitna Borough     13904
## 3:         AK Fairbanks North Star Borough      9298
## 4:         AL                    Jefferson    104567
## 5:         AL                       Mobile     65549
## 6:         AL                      Madison     45548
  • Q13_extension: find the bottom 3 counties for each state in terms of the total confirmed cases.

11.14 Use := to Add/Update Columns By Reference

  • Q14: Define a new variable death_rate, which equals to cumulative death divided by cumulative confirmed cases for each state
tmp=covid_county[, deat_rate:=deaths/cases][
##          date   state state_abbr  county fips cases deaths confirmed_count
## 1: 2020-03-24 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      3               0
## 2: 2020-03-25 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      3               0
## 3: 2020-03-26 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      2               0
## 4: 2020-03-27 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      4               0
## 5: 2020-03-28 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      3               0
## 6: 2020-03-29 arizona         AZ Unknown   NA     0      5               0
##    death_count deat_rate
## 1:           3       Inf
## 2:           0       Inf
## 3:          -1       Inf
## 4:           2       Inf
## 5:          -1       Inf
## 6:           2       Inf

11.15 Join datasets

  • Q15: Compute the infection_rate (percent of population infected at each county). We need to first compute the total cases for each county and add population information to it for computing the infection rate.

tmp=covid_county[, .(cum_case=sum(confirmed_count)), 
             by=.(state_abbr, state, county)]

tmp1=merge(tmp, population2019, by.x=c("state","county"), 
          by.y = c("state_name","county_name"),
          all.x = TRUE)
##           county state_abbr cum_case population19 infection_rate
## 1: Chattahoochee         GA     5109        10907      0.4684148
## 2:       Crowley         CO     2236         6061      0.3689160
## 3:        Dimmit         TX     3567        10124      0.3523311
## 4:          Bent         CO     1566         5577      0.2807961
## 5:       Lincoln         AR     3572        13024      0.2742629
## 6:         Dewey         SD     1591         5892      0.2700272

11.16 Additional Exercises:

  • Q16: what is the total death in each state?
  • Q17: Which county in Nebraska has the highest total confirmed cases?

11.17 Summary

  • Congratulation! You have mastered the skills to manipulate big data for insights using data.table.
  • It is very likely you will forget the codes for manipulating data.
  • Do not try to memorize the code; memorize the scenarios in which the code is used; develop a code library for these scenarios.
  • We will later learn to combine data manipulation and visualization.